Shopfitters Excellence Week 2022 - Submit Your Project
The National Association of Shopfitters and Interior Contractors (NAS) will be holding a Shopfitting Excellence Week later this year, where we will be shining a spotlight on the incredible spaces, high quality finishes, diligent and dedicated people and the innovative practises that make our industry what it is.
If you have something that you are proud of, why not celebrate it with your fellow members? The categories we are interested in are:
- Incredible spaces – Have you worked on something with a real ‘wow factor’? Tell us about the project and what made you proud to be involved.
- High quality finishes – Have you used beautiful materials in your project that required special attention?
- Diligent and dedicated people – Working during pandemic brings new challenges to any team, would you like to honour your staff for their work at this time?
- Innovative practices – Use of modern technologies and processes can have significant impact on project delivery. Here you can present your approach to innovation.
This is a great opportunity to showcase your work across the membership base and the wider industry. Please use the form below to submit images of your completed projects. You can upload multiple files and we ask you to include a short description to caption the images. You can also submit your files via email to