Upcoming NAS Events

The National Association of Shopfitters (NAS) is returning to its events programme with the first events in 2022.

The three events – as part of our Shopfitter’s Social – aim to bring people working across the sector together in a relaxed environment to network, but most importantly to have fun.

July darts in Leeds and London

On 7th July, 7:30-10:30pm, the NAS will host an event in Flight Club, South Parade, Leeds. Flight Club offers a reinvention of darts for the twenty first century, bringing beginners and expert snipers together, in a ‘Social Darts’ experience. As well as taking part in the various games on offer, guests will be given a welcome drink, wine and beer, canapés, pizza and desert – all included in the ticket price: £40 for NAS members and £50 for non-members (excluding VAT).

A further Flight Club event will be held in Victoria, London on 13th July 2022, for our members in the South of England. The same ‘Social Darts’ and food and drink is on offer, with tickets at £52 for members and £62 for non-members.

Let us know, if you have any specific dietary requirements.

Golf in Gloucester

On 23rd September 2022, the NAS will host a Golf Day at Gloucester Golf Club. Proceeds from the event, which is being held in association with Barnwood and Thorn Baker Construction, will be passed to charity (to be named nearer to the event). Guests can expect to play 18 holes of the course and enjoy an evening meal, with entertainment.

How to book

For more information about each event and to book tickets, please visit the events page.

Our thanks go to Darwin Clayton for being the primary sponsor for the Shopfitter’s Social events. Further sponsorship opportunities are available, please email: enquiries@shopfitters.org for further information.

More events and locations will be added in the coming weeks, so please continue to visit the NAS’ website and follow our channels on LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as reading our monthly newsletter.