The NAS is now a collective trademark

The National Association of Shopfitters (NAS) is delighted to confirm that the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has approved our logo as a Collective Mark.

A collective mark is a specific type of trade mark which indicates that the goods or services bearing the mark originate from members of a trade association, rather than just one trader.

Registered under Trade Mark Number: UK00003867551. The use of the terms ‘NAS’ or ‘National Association of Shopfitters and Interior Contractors’ are now protected within the construction sector for at least the next ten years.

NAS Director, James Filus, commented:

“This development is considered a positive on two fronts: Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, our members now benefit from using the NAS’ logo as a collective mark, denoting the level of quality offered by NAS members; secondly, the IPO’s approval marks enhances our ability to prevent businesses falsely using our logo, or wrongly claiming association with the NAS. Regretfully, we have seen an increase in this activity, so it is important that we have the tools to tackle it head on.”

For more information about the NAS’ brand identity, visit this page of our website: